Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First Day at Dale County Schools!

First day of school!! You'll notice
the background is the Gurensey's
house...Liz and JD allowed us to
live in their home until we found
and bought our own...I know.....I
think their CRAZY too!!! They
are super sweet friends (family!)
and they made our transition to
AL so smooth...Forever grateful!!
What do you think of Baileigh's
new school shoes? We went to
pick out her some new school
shoes and after looking at EVERY
pair in several stores, she
decided that she liked the BOYS
Converse! I explained that they
were boy shoes and she totally
did not care! She said, "...all the
girl shoes are too "flashy" and I'm
not into "flashy" !" She said it
using quotation fingers every time
she said flashy...don't know
where she gets that attitude...

1 comment:

  1. The children look great.........but I think they looked happier in Virginia
    just sayin'............E.
