Monday, September 14, 2009

Princess...Henry?! I'm sure this is some kind of abuse, but since the kids decided this year they are NOT going to go trick-or-treating...yeah, I know, they said this last year and I ran out on the "night of" and purchased Baileigh a RIDICULOUSLY overpriced princess gown( still a little irked about that one)...we think maybe Henry might be interested in dressing up! Baileigh used some of her American Girl Doll clothes and a lovely stretchy scarf to create this unusual, albeit flattering ensemble. However...Henry rolled around forever trying to remove it all....I think we've graduated to the stage where no one in our household wants to dress up...HOW SAD!!!! Enjoy the time that you get to dress your children as cowboys and padiwans and paint their little faces like fairies and angels...a few years down the road and you're holding down your poor dog trying to get him to squeeze into a funnel scarf...Hugs:)


  1. Ricky and Marsha BrewerSeptember 14, 2009 at 10:21 PM

    Poor Henry. Does he have demon eyes? But he still is cute. Can he still do the chicken dance? We need more photos of the kids and the house. And some of my son.
    Love you all, Nana and Papa

  2. Looks that way, huh?! Yes he can still do it...fewer and farther between performances, but yes!
