Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Me and My Brothers...

These pictures of Andrew, Matthew and I were taken at my parents house in Oklahoma by my sweet sister-in-law. I ADORE my brothers...They both make me sooooo proud!

I'm a DORK!

Hey! I just realized that I can comment back! Thanks for the might look again...I probably answered:)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Backyard Fun!

Chris and Baileigh are enjoying the weather!! Chris is putting up our privacy fence, while Baileigh is enjoying the playset and water hose!! Baileigh may be having more fun...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Chris Hard At Work

These are some pics of Chris in Qatar...he was supervising ops on a structure fire within the barracks...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My sister (in-law) Michelle is an INCREDIBLE photographer!!! These are just two of the fantastic pictures she took of us while we were visiting Oklahoma...She obviously has a gift!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Football video...for Nana and Nick:)

South Dale Football...Bray is on the end...

Oh yeah...Baileigh and I were there too:)


Brayden is # 82 and loves football!!! He is one of the smallest on the team, but he is getting to play regularly. Coach Smith calls him "Hustle" for his obvious "Rudy" mentality...what a compliment, right?!

Brayden and His BOYS!

I am obviously going through my pictures on my computer...these are from 2008...5th Grade Celebration. Brayden and his buddies at their BEST! Ahhh...memories:)
P.S. If I get brave enough...I have a video of a certain young man's mom (SAVINA) doing a fabulous dance:)...To be continued:)

Taking Our "Wild Things" to see some Wild Things!

Poor Turtle:)

What a crew!

I felt better about myself after hanging out with this guy:)


Iknow that these pics are older 2007...but, better late than never, RIGHT?!

Missing You...

Me and my kiddos are missing some of our best buddies...

Pat and their BEST!

Brayden, Josh, Amber and MY JULIE:)


Jason & Nick

Nick, Bray & Jacob


First Day at Dale County Schools!

First day of school!! You'll notice
the background is the Gurensey's
house...Liz and JD allowed us to
live in their home until we found
and bought our own...I know.....I
think their CRAZY too!!! They
are super sweet friends (family!)
and they made our transition to
AL so smooth...Forever grateful!!
What do you think of Baileigh's
new school shoes? We went to
pick out her some new school
shoes and after looking at EVERY
pair in several stores, she
decided that she liked the BOYS
Converse! I explained that they
were boy shoes and she totally
did not care! She said, "...all the
girl shoes are too "flashy" and I'm
not into "flashy" !" She said it
using quotation fingers every time
she said flashy...don't know
where she gets that attitude...

Baileigh and Mukheyra

This is my sweet Baileigh and her good friend
Mukeyhra. Just before we left VA, she came
over for the day and they had loads of fun!!
Mukheyra's family owns a restaurant that
serves middle eastern food and that evening
the invited us to come for dinner...we had a
great time...such a sweet family...we miss
them already!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Princess...Henry?! I'm sure this is some kind of abuse, but since the kids decided this year they are NOT going to go trick-or-treating...yeah, I know, they said this last year and I ran out on the "night of" and purchased Baileigh a RIDICULOUSLY overpriced princess gown( still a little irked about that one)...we think maybe Henry might be interested in dressing up! Baileigh used some of her American Girl Doll clothes and a lovely stretchy scarf to create this unusual, albeit flattering ensemble. However...Henry rolled around forever trying to remove it all....I think we've graduated to the stage where no one in our household wants to dress up...HOW SAD!!!! Enjoy the time that you get to dress your children as cowboys and padiwans and paint their little faces like fairies and angels...a few years down the road and you're holding down your poor dog trying to get him to squeeze into a funnel scarf...Hugs:)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Home Sweet Home

Here it is! This is our new is perfect for our family and I LOVE it! I guess after living in military housing for 6 years, anything you can call your own is good! However, this is better than's fantastic! Chris and I spent several weeks looking around the area and this little "gem" wasn't even on our list. Baileigh got to go with us to see it before we closed...Bray, however, did not! He saw it the day we moved in! Chris was really sweet too...he allowed the kids to "skip" school to help with all the unpacking and getting settled. We didn't hear one complaint the whole day:) Everything went smoothly and we are now going into our third week of being in the house...and we can't wait for some visitors!!

New and Improved Me...

No more excuses!! Our sweet family and great friends needs to see their grandchildren, niece and nephew, cousins, buddies and BFFs grow up!! I've certainly got the time to be able to do this...right?! This is the new and improved Banner...Wife, Mom, Maid, Cook and now Blogger! Stay tuned...more to come:) ~Ban